Sunday, July 12, 2015

Flippantly Unaware

The other day at work, I unintentionally brought tears to a sweet coworker's eyes because I was laughing at her shenanigans, and it eventually came out that her goofiness was due in large to her being in constant pain.

I haven't been able to shake the devastation that swelled in my chest when the awareness dawned on me that she was not having fun, but rather needing love and comfort. I was not only not giving her what she needed, but rather, in my ignorance, making things worse. It broke my heart that in a time of need, I was not in tune enough to her needs to be a true friend.
This experience was followed by another incidence this week when my careless words stung and hurt a beloved friend, who only was trying to do their best and had my best interest in mind. The fact is that it would not have taken much energy or effort on my part to acknowledge or console, yet in my short-sidedness, I inflicted pain instead of offering solace.

It haunts me that a little more careful observance and thought on other's behalf could make such a difference in their day, and yet I miss those opportunities due to being flippantly unaware.

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