Monday, July 20, 2015


Yesterday Rachel had her baby!!!

Throughout the whole day, I was completely distracted. Nothing could hold my attention for any prolonged amount of time. I was excited for Rachel and Jon, knowing they would be looking at their long anticipated girl soon! The morning and afternoon were filled with eager enthusiasm, as we received meager details from Brooke (dutifully supplying us with what little info she had access to in the hospital hallway).

Finally around 6:30pm, we met up with Mom and Brooke at Cindy’s, where there was a dinner going on for a bunch of cousins who were in town. After greeting hugs, we lost no time in plopping down next to mom at the table and… asked for (‘demanded’ sounds so harsh…) the story.  

As the story unraveled, my giddy excitement quickly and unexpectedly turned to solemn reverence.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not completely ignorant to the whole birthing process. Growing up I was distantly aware of the details of what was happening as my sisters were born. I have heard birth stories from books and from people I know, not to mention the obsessive research I have done recently as I have become enthralled with the topic. But despite ‘knowing’ the details and facts, ‘knowing’ it isn’t a cakewalk, it is completely different coming to understand by what your sister just went through.
Rachel she is a champion. I am so dang proud of my sister.
…and this just became very REAL.


  1. I want the details! What's her name? How much did she weigh? Etc. :)

  2. I was going to wait to put details online until after Rachel and Jon got a chance to announce it publically, but eh, it's been a few days now :) Her name is Elizabeth May, and she was born on Sunday July 19th at 7 lbs 7.5 oz
