Tuesday, June 16, 2015

June 13th, 2015

Chris’ cousins asked if we could babysit on Saturday. I work on Saturdays, but Chris was willing to go babysit himself.
I was able to get off early on Saturday, so once I was done I walked over to their house. I got there with half an hour before the other babysitters were to come and take over. Although I wasn’t there for very long, it was fun to see Chris with the kids (4 kids 8 years and under) and it made me excited to see him as a dad.

Even though I wasn’t there for very long, I unintentionally managed to alienate the youngest child by observing that she needed a diaper change. I didn’t realize that those words were recognizable, let alone the deep feelings of dread they would invoke when spoken aloud. But boy, that little girl knew EXACTLY what I was talking about and immediately ran to Chris for refuge. From then on, I was The Mean Diaper Lady, and whenever she would glance in my direction, she would start saying, ‘no, no, no, no!’ This resounding phrase would crescendo and was coupled with emphatic head shaking until she was removed from my sight. So… I think I left an impression! :)

What did I tell you? Unfeigned Horror. Chris is impersonating her very well!
When we were leaving, she was NOT having it. Chris was her buddy! He tried to sneak out, to no avail, so we left her in wailing anguish as we went out the door.

Check out her death grip! Her older brother is trying to distract her

Chris needs to learn not to be so fun :)

After babysitting, we planned our Marriage Prep lesson, then got ready for dinner at Sharon’s. I don’t know if I mentioned this before, but Sharon is an amazing cook. There has been many a day she has saved me from certain starvation at work (or at least it has felt that way!) or let me try some new concoctions she has tried. I think she is the one to credit for Baby Waz’s health and growth up to this point. Anyway, this lady KNOWS how to throw a dinner! She invited Chris and I over, as well as another couple she knows from her job at the MTC, and we had a BLAST!

We cooked food as we talked, and Sharon showed us how it was done. I wish I could infuse this post with the smell of baked beans that hit us as we entered her house. It was heavenly! Unfortunately, I didn’t think to take a picture of dinner (what was I thinking?!) but it was SO GOOD! Here is a picture of dessert at least:

It was fun to get to know the other couple. They are so sweet, and it just so happens they live in the building next to us in Wymount! Small world! Plus, it was fun to have Chris meet Sharon for the first time after I have told him so much about her, and she even shared one of her stories! It was hilarious–we were all eating and laughing our heads off-I can’t over-emphasize how much fun we had.
Chris took up washing dishes after dinner-what a champ! I’m pretty sure he single-handedly washed almost every dish in that kitchen. He’s the best!

Chris as a Dish-washing Machine!

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