Thursday, March 10, 2016

Paint Nite

I have the best mother-in-law. I can list out all the reasons, but rest assured, I have enough conclusive evidence to convince anyone of this case and point.

Something she has found enjoyable, and she is particularly talented at, is painting. She goes to something called Paint Nite where painters on every skill level-from experienced to never touched a paintbrush-are able to come together and make a simple, yet good-looking painting. She invited me to come with her this month, and she even let me pick out which painting we would paint. We chose a silhouetted tree with Japanese blossoms scattering against a overcast background. It was fun to have an event to look forward to.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel once I was there, since I am definitely towards the never-touched-a-paintbrush end of the spectrum. Once we started the painting, I instantly felt an adventurous spirit start to boil up inside me. I loved how with oil painting there isn't a mistake you can't fix, so it is the most fun to jump in and try out different things. From the get-go I felt like experimenting rather than being a perfectionist or comparing. That was a neat feeling.

All in all, it was such a fun night! I'm very grateful to my mother-in-law for inviting me along. Therapeutic to get away and try something new.

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