Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Since Riley's doctors appointment, she has been more clingy. Not her normal, go-lucky self. Poor girl :( It is never fun to see her perpetually unhappy. Plus, nights where she refused to be put down? They got to be pretty long.

But there are always two sides to the coin, right?
If anything good has come from this, it is her new desire to cuddle. This kid was born with a No Tolerance policy to cuddling. Whenever you tried to lovingly hold her to to your shoulder so she can rest, she quickly pushes away and busily looks around, too curious and anxious that she may miss something. But now she not only tolerates, she initiates. She started lying against my shoulders consistently during the long nights she wanted to be held, and she would fluff me.

Have you ever seen a cat or dog try to get comfortable by turning in circles or massaging a blanket?
Well, imagine that sort of thing. Baby Style.

She would survey my upper torso and zero in on a spot she wanted to try. cozied up. Turned her head the other way. Sidled her head a little to the left. Buried her face in my armpit. Essentially, I was a big momma pillow being fluffed for her comfort and convenience.

Its funny how you can be treated like a big body pillow and absolutely love it. I'm pretty sure there is something about being a mom that messes up your sense of what is enjoyable, but it was so fun! I loved watching little Riley learn the Ways of Cuddling and I was able to witness it all for myself.

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