Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Difference of a Smile

I love holding Riley as I go into public places. People instantly turn to look at her, and many come and greet us so they can interact with her. People are happy and smiling once she enters the scene. And you better believe I ride the wave of happy consequences of her cuteness ;) I'm not an attention monger by any means, but the world just seems like a better place when I have her around.

At church today, I was walking Riley around the halls during sacrament, because I was sure she was so close to falling asleep on my shoulder. Well, after two laps around the church, I knew my attempt was futile. I accepted defeat and we went to sit on a couch in the foyer next to an elderly lady.

I didn't know the women we sat by-she only looked vaguely familiar, and I know I hadn't spoken to her before. But Riley went straight up to her and was climbing around her, she would circle back to me, lie her head down for a minute, then go back to our new friend. The woman instantly warmed up to Riley and was trying to get her to grab her hand, and smile.
Only later did I find out that she was very sad because her sister had recently passed away, and she thanked us for coming and sitting next to her at church. She said it made her so happy to have Riley around.

I know Riley's charms come largely from being a baby, but she has taught me a lot about loving others freely. I know we hear all the time that a smile can 'brighten someone's day,' but it is one thing to hear that phrase prattled off in a lesson versus seeing it in action. When Riley smiles at people, you can tangibly feel the atmosphere change and an air of friendship instantly prevails.
It has been a good lesson for me to learn from someone who hasn't even been on Earth 8 months.

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