Saturday, May 21, 2016

Lego Star Wars

As a kid, I was a total video game monger. We didn't have them in our home growing up, so when we would go to our cousins' house, I would glom onto the games and not let go. I wasn't really good at them-I mean, I was one of those kids who would move around the controller, trying to get my Mario Kart Bowser to turn faster-but that had no bearing on how much I enjoyed them.

Since then I have had experiences where I have become grateful for not having video games for the most part of my childhood (it took me a long time to be grateful for that! ;) ) but it has made me incredibly inept as far as being a competitive opponent is concerned. Especially in this household.

That is what made my discovery of Lego Star Wars was that much more profound. Fun, easy for any age and challenging. Now that is my kind of video game! 

And I don't want to brag, but I rocked the Chewbacca lego-arm-ripping move

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