Thursday, May 19, 2016

Death in a Cup

Cookie dough is a magical thing. I definitely had phases in my life which I attribute my success, at least in part, to wonderful, rejuvenating cookie dough.

-Making cookies for the family as a kid just so I could lick out the bowl. (aka kindness with perks)
-Sneaking a roommates Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough out of the freezer when I failed tests (happened probably more than it should have... don't tell Heidi)
-As a missionary I kept a tub of cookie dough in the fridge which was reserved for All Tracting days.

You could say cookie dough has helped me become the wonderful woman I am today.

And I am so grateful to have had a sister given to me who agrees and assists me in my cookie dough eating ways.

Rachel sent me this recipe on how to make a quick simple cookie in a mug: Death in a Cup.

I will share it with you for when you are faint of heart and needing an extra boost of sugar to get you through your day.
...and for myself for future reference. Even though I have memorized it for Emergency Preparedness situations, you never know when you might need it.

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