Sunday, August 30, 2015

Life as of Late

Summer is wrapping up, and we are getting ready for Chris' last semester of classes! He has done an awesome job focusing on this year's BYU animated film and getting pieces for his demo reel ready for job applications. He is a hard worker! His demo reel is completely different from the beginning of the year and his new reel shows how much he has stretched himself and grown over the last several months.

Nate is all moved into the Provo ward now! This past week it has been fun to have him around-he even invited us over for a leftover feast when he got a huge stack of Rumbi leftovers from his training at his new job! Sick! (the good kind of sick. Said in Nate's unique way)

We've really enjoyed the weather, so this is us gorging ourselves on watermelon out on our porch. We compared the watermelon to Riley's size. They were pretty close.

Here and there Chris and I would mention how much fun it would be to find a piano and play for a little bit. However, this little side comments hardly materialize into actual plans. Until Sunday. We were looking at some sheet music Chris has and listening to it, and we got all psyched up and went to the church to play for a bit. It was a lot of fun! We should turn our little ideas into plans much more often.

Ever since we found out we were expecting, Chris has been making solemn detours on our grocery shopping trips to the diaper aisle. He claims it is for research purposes, but as he stares defeatedly at the price tags, I wonder if this research has a more detrimental effect than a helpful edge...


  1. I buy diapers on Amazon. You can get a discount on them by using. Subscribe n save and Amazon mom. :)

  2. Good to know! They are so expensive!
