Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Job Rollercoaster

Monday we got an unexpected email from a gaming company Chris applied to. They informed Chris that there would be an opening in September, and wanted to know his thoughts. They had told us when we weren't able to take the job in July that they would be keeping us on the list for future positions, but it was mind-rattling to actually have them contact us again! We talked and talked and talked about this, and by the end of the day we felt like there would be a 90% chance that we could work around getting Chris’ classes done and the baby.

Tuesday Chris set out to settle how he could get his two mandatory classes taken care of from California. With every professor he met with, the possibility looked more and more dim. While he looked into quite a few options, the chances looked slim that this could be figured out. So by the end of the night, we were thinking it wouldn’t be a possibility, and Chris was going to turn down the offer.

 And then Wednesday came. Chris was upfront with the HR woman that he was having complications in getting his classes figured out, and that with the baby’s due date, the earliest we could be out in CA would be the end of September. Again, she surprised us by quickly responding that it looked like the dates they needed us were moving on her end too, and that they would still like to move forward with the team interview.

 Talk about a roller coaster! Navigating ‘adult’ jobs is fun stuff J

 Chris will be having the interview on Monday, and from there we will better be able to decide if this is a job Chris really wants or if we want to hold out for a different job that would be offered at a more convenient time.

 We feel very blessed that the decision we are making is between two good things. Both have considerable pros-a job now or being here for Chris’ last semester. We can't go wrong!

Chris brought me lunch at work. And I have stumpy legs and a weird expression


  1. Nooooo!!!! Don't move away from me!!! :)

  2. Don't you worry Shell-there is a big chance the soonest we would leave is December :) We'll see. Besides, you go to California often enough! You could come visit! ;)
