Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Derailed from the Patience Track

Things since the Vegas hullabaloo have settled down considerably. For a little bit there it felt like we had overextended ourselves and the exhaustion was going to be incurable-a permanent fixture in our fast track lives. But, thankfully, we have focused this week on relaxing and it has done wonders! We made a rule that we would do one significant errand each evening after work, and then focus on relaxing. It has been wonderful!
On Monday, I woke up at 4am with a contraction that lasted for two hours while I restlessly walked outside and quietly found little things to do around the house. Around that time I was also consistently having cramping feelings whenever I would get up and walk around. But as the week has gone on, these signs have tapered off and I have felt quite normal again. It was bittersweet when these signs began to disappear-having the Vegas experience has made my patience non-existent as it seemed she was soon on her way! Feeling more normal felt better, but also made me re-equipt myself with the patience I so happily discarded. However, I think I am back on the patience track! I mean, even if she stays in there as long as she can, we will still be meeting her in less than a month's time :)

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