Monday, August 3, 2015


You know those things that you could put off indefinitely? Not because it isn’t needed, but because you just don’t want to do it?

We have needed windshield wipers for ages now. And by ‘needed,’ I mean that when it rains and we use our wipers, it is more difficult to see through the windshield than it was before you used them.

 Safe? Not exactly. This is probably not the best thing to put in the ‘put off indefinitely’ category. But for whatever reason, that is where Chris and I have shoved this errand. No amount of nervous driving in the rain or determined, “we need to get wipers!” conversations could convince us otherwise.

Until we found ourselves in Wal-Mart gathering hospital bag items (can you believe we are getting the hospital bags ready?! 5 weeks!) and realizing Wal-Mart sells everything. They HAVE to sell wipers too.


Skulking away in embarassement...

Then he did it properly

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