Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Our ward planned an awesome activity where everyone was paired up randomly, and we went on a massive group date to Cornbellys (a place where there are concession stands, corn mazes, and lots of other little activities for autumn).

We had signed up to go, since they needed a certain amount of people to sign up in order to get the discounted group price. However, that day Riley was really not having a great day, and we started to doubt our decision...

But what could we do? They were counting on us to go. So we bundled up Riley and set out.

That is when the crying began.

...and it didn't stop. We got to the meeting place at the apartments, and then set out again.

So she started crying again.

We didn't know if our nerves would survive, so once we got on the freeway we decided if she hadn't stopped crying by the next exit, we would just head home and chalk it up as experience.

Thankfully, with a constant stream of quietly sung primary songs, she was able to calm down. She even fell asleep by the time we got to Cornbellys! Whoo!

It was pretty cold out, so we held her on our chests completely engulfed in a blanket. It was a fun atmosphere to be in, and almost felt like a date!

After 20 minutes, we headed back to our car. One of the couples from the ward saw us and asked, "Are you guys leaving already?!" We were surprised by this comment-we felt like we had been majorly triumphant in our endeavors bringing Riley out and keeping her happy for almost half an hour! Why would we test fate and stay longer? By the time we dragged ourselves up the stairs to our apartment, we were ready for bedtime.

Chris and I chatted on the way home about how more carefree and easy this sort of excursion is when you are single versus having a baby to think about.

Single life vs life with a baby = WAY different!

But we wouldn't trade it for the world.

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