Monday, October 26, 2015

Bean Museum

For FHE we decided to go to the Bean Museum. It was specifically designated as a Halloween day, and The Conservation Kids were going to be there. We wanted to surprise Colton (aka Conservation Man) and get a picture with him and Riley. However, the surprise didn't work because he had class :( But it was a fun way to get us to go to the museum! I haven't been there since it was renovated.

Riley and I took a walk and met Chris there.

Riley seemed to like it from the very beginning. As soon as we walked in the doors, her eyes went really wide, like this:

The excitement was just emanating from this child!

...until we got started looking around.

Chris enthralled while Riley yawns
Then she promptly fell asleep.

Not everyone has the opportunity to be kissed by a giraffe
So Chris and I had to make full use of our time.

To wrap up the night, we headed over to the Creamery for some dinner.

She woke up when she smelled the food
All in all, an awesome night! It is fun that while it is more complicated to go on dates, it is still not impossible without a babysitter. 

For now.

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