Sunday, February 21, 2016

Activity Days Anticipations

I was called to be the Activity Days leader at Emily's farewell on February 13th. I wasn't sustained until today, and all I have done in the meantime has been to steep longer and longer in worry and anxiety than I never thought 8-11 year old girls could provoke.

How do I interact with these little humans? It has been so long since I have been around their age group.
How did I feel when I was there age? Is it possible to dredge up that information considering it feels like centuries ago?
I'm scarrreeddd...!

I recognize that waiting around and fantasizing about them ganging up on me and creating an Activity Day Lord of the Flies replica isn't going to help, but sitting down and actually planning has been intimidating.

So my unharnessed imagination has full reign.

I may not survive this.

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